Looking for Relics : Native Legend and the ‘acid test of scientific investigation’ - Article 5
Looking for Relics : Native Legend and the ‘acid test of scientific investigation’ - Article 5

Archives - Elohi

Looking for Relics : Native Legend and the ‘acid test of scientific investigation’ - Article 5


ISBN : 979-10-300-0021-4
Nombre de pages : 20
Format : 16 x 24
Date de sortie : 2015/01

The people from Laguna and Acoma Pueblos in west-central New Mexico tell a story about Enchanted Mesa that goes something like this: One day long ago . . .


The people from Laguna and Acoma Pueblos in west-central New Mexico tell a story about Enchanted Mesa that goes something like this: One day long ago . . . (i.e., perhaps hundreds and hundreds of years ago), the people climbed down from the mesa where they lived to do the hoeing and watering of their crops. While they were busy tending the fields, a severe thunderstorm came up, as desert storms are wont to do, and washed away the stone ladder, the only means of access to the top of the mesa. Because they were thus unable to return to their homes, they had to find another place to live, and they settled what is now Acoma Pueblo a few miles to the south.