L’interculturel est partout dans la société et dans les organisations. Le numéro 58 de Communication & organisation cherche à explorer les dynamiques culturelles et identitaires à l’œuvre dans la communication en contexte organisationnel, associées à des problématiques de pouvoir, de changement ou du maintien du statut quo. Cette posture critique de l’interculturel rompt avec des approches classiques axées sur la prise en compte des seules différences de culture nationale, face à la mondialisation (styles de management, acculturation…), pour évoquer un interculturel qui englobe mais dépasse largement la dimension internationale, qui s’applique à différents niveaux de structuration sociale et organisationnelle. Du point de vue de la communication constitutive de l’organisation (CCO), celle-ci se forme et se transforme à travers les interactions des individus qui la composent, qui expriment leurs identités, leurs rivalités, les contraintes qu’ils subissent. C’est en se référant à des savoirs culturels partagés et en les négociant, les refaçonnant, les actualisant à travers leurs interactions de tous les jours que les acteurs créent et entretiennent l’organisation qui les relient. Les articles inclus dans ce numéro tracent les grandes lignes théoriques qu’une approche critique de l’interculturel en organisation exige, illustrant la manière dont ce paradigme peut être appliqué à des études de cas aussi concrètes que variées. Ils viennent ainsi réactualiser le traitement des tensions interculturelles en communication organisationnelle dans la littérature francophone.
Intercultural tensions in organization
Interculturality is everywhere in society and organizations. The current issue, Communication & Organization 58, tries to explore the identity and cultural dynamics in an organizational communication context, together with power, change, preservation of statu quo issues. This critical position on the intercultural field breaks with standard approaches, based on taking into account mere national cultures differences opposite globalization (management ways, acculturation), to bring up an interculturality encompassing and widely exceeding the international dimension, applying to different levels of social and organizational structuring. From the CCO (Organization Constitutive Communication) point of view, the latter is formed and transformed through the interactions between people who are part of it, as they express their identities, their rivalries, the pressures they are undergoing. By referring to shared cultural knowledge, by negotiating, reshaping, updating them through their everyday interactions, the protagonists thus create, maintain the organization that binds them. The articles included in this issue give the broad theoretical outline that a critical approach to interculturality in organization demands, illustrating the way that paradigm can be applied to case studies, as varied as concrete. They come in time to bring up to date the treatment of intercultural tensions in organizational communication within the French speaking literature.
journals.openedition.org - Communication & Organisation 58
Intercultural tensions in organization
Interculturality is everywhere in society and organizations. The current issue, Communication & Organization 58, tries to explore the identity and cultural dynamics in an organizational communication context, together with power, change, preservation of statu quo issues. This critical position on the intercultural field breaks with standard approaches, based on taking into account mere national cultures differences opposite globalization (management ways, acculturation), to bring up an interculturality encompassing and widely exceeding the international dimension, applying to different levels of social and organizational structuring. From the CCO (Organization Constitutive Communication) point of view, the latter is formed and transformed through the interactions between people who are part of it, as they express their identities, their rivalries, the pressures they are undergoing. By referring to shared cultural knowledge, by negotiating, reshaping, updating them through their everyday interactions, the protagonists thus create, maintain the organization that binds them. The articles included in this issue give the broad theoretical outline that a critical approach to interculturality in organization demands, illustrating the way that paradigm can be applied to case studies, as varied as concrete. They come in time to bring up to date the treatment of intercultural tensions in organizational communication within the French speaking literature.
journals.openedition.org - Communication & Organisation 58